Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

A little bit farther every day

Yesterday was my birthday and we had such a nice day.  Ben let me sleep in for an hour (even though he had to work) and it was wonderful!  The girls were relatively well-behaved and we went out to dinner with our friends Lorry and Emma at Khan's Mongolian BBQ.  Ben got me a gift certificate to my favorite salon so I'm going there on Saturday for a manicure and haircut.  I can't wait!  My friend Stacy got me a gift certificate to our nearby nail salon and she offered to watch the girls so I went and got a pedicure today.  Pedicures are my favorite and it was nice to get away for an hour.

Juliette is really close to full out walking.  She can take more than a few steps now before she falls and even took about 10 in a row today!  My baby is growing up!  Lily is working on standing and she can stand for a few seconds if she tries.  She's much more cautious though and Juliette doesn't care about falling so that makes a big difference I think.

The girls have been having diarrhea for a couple of weeks now and I haven't really been concerned because I know viruses happen but I called the nurse line today and wondered when I should start getting worried.  She told me to give them yogurt and come in since it had already been two weeks.  I gathered up the kids and went to the doctor this afternoon only to be told that they wouldn't do anything because it hasn't been long enough.  She was really condescending to me too when I tried to explain my frustration of being told to come in and then wasting a $30 copay for them to do nothing.  At least we got their weights.  Lily is up to 14 lbs, 12 oz and Juliette is 17 lbs 9 oz.  They're still around 3 pounds apart!

Speaking of doctors, Maia has athlete's foot right now and she's had it for a couple of months.  We went in and they prescribed Nystatin and we used the whole tube and it didn't work.  We then got a prescription for a stronger cream and it still isn't getting better.  I'm hoping we can figure out what's going on and how to fix it before the problem starts getting worse.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this but our house contingencies have all been cleared!  We are trying to schedule our move for next week and then we'll close on July 15.  We're excited to get it done and move on.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by beckylynn published on May 21, 2010 11:22 PM.

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